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Pilgrim Monument, line drawing by Ewa Nogiec
fresh haiku from Mary

pink indigo bay
rippling August sunset
birdsong of children


dog lopes into
the bay's salt-water slush
like quicksand

Feb. 3

dogs in plaid coats run
through greying Central Park

Jan. 14, 2004


like the fool's hair
in a Kurosawa film
empty branches

Dec. 15, 2003


barefoot I crunch leaves
that fell many days ago
warm enough to swim

November 4, 2003


wind blows
empty chestnut shells.
who could be so hungry?

October 6, 2003


across my door frame
an early-autumn spider's web
surprises my face

September 22, 2003


two bright lights
nothing but the moon and Mars
and my early shivers

September 10, 2003


noonday sun reveals
blue upon white upon blue
touching fresh snowfall

March 12, 2003


bobbing ducks feasting
in exquisite sunset glow
snowcakes rest ashore

February 27, 2003


ice flows piling up
not since 15 years ago
shivering black dog

February 24, 2003


never enough snow
great huge flakes dangle then fall
on hollow paw prints

Jan. 23, 2003


cold whistling night
as moon creeps towards full
ivy crawls softly

Dec. 18, 2002


wind light as air
knocks my hat off
now it snows

Dec. 1, 2002


full moon tilting
paints the ocean silver
month of strawberries


if I dive
into silver moon trail
will I be silver too?




-- Mary Martin



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Mary Martin, Provincetown Summer '02


Mary's friend, Philippe, writes:

“Bonjour” Provincetown!!

I remember very well my first impression when I came to
Provincetown for the first time in 1998. I was on the boat coming from Boston and I loved the view of the bay; the small harbour, the little wooden houses and the typical lighthouse in the background. I thought “This is exactly how I could imagine the northeast coast of US, and it is real now!”

My second impression was the light, the daylight, the pure blue sky during the day, the wonderful sunset on the dunes, the lights of the stars and the moon at night. It reminded me of the lights and colors of the sky in Provence. It is easy to understand why so many famous french paintings that you can see in the museums of Paris have been painted in Provence! The same kind of lights that the artists who come to Provincetown want to capture. I came to P-town, and I’ll be back!

Philippe Billon - Paris - France



i am Provincetown bumper sticker

Fishing Boat line drawing by Ewa Nogiec

If I can say "I am Provincetown" so can YOU :)

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