I came to Provincetown for the summer when I was twenty-one and never left.
What was true then is true now. This town is a place of welcome and acceptance.
You dont have to be anyone or anything in particular to fit in. You
dont even need a last name. I have always considered myself a non-conformist,
and Provincetown has nurtured all my idiosyncratic fancies. Since I have lived
here I have learned to tap dance, juggle, yodel, play the recorder, and make
white line block prints. My hobbies include entertaining as Westend Wendy
Wendell, singing, dancing, organic gardening, writing, bird watching, and
wildlife photography. I finished my BA and got a masters degree in education
while living here. My two children graduated from Provincetown High School,
and my grandchildren live in North Truro. Recently I found out that I have
ancestors buried in Snows Cemetery. I have lived in the same house in
the west end for thirty-six years and intend to stay in Provincetown for the
rest of my life.
--Wendy Willard


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