Provincetown artist Mary Kass. She was a student of Hans Hofmann, and long time friend of Lillian Orlowsky and Haynes Ownby. I met Mary in 1983 while working as an assistant in Haynes' studio.
Provincetown is the oldest art colony in America, vibrant and important as ever! We have plus minus 60 galleries (in season most openings are on Friday nights), impressive Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Fine Arts Work Center with seven-months residency program... Art is (hangs?) everywhere: restaurants, real estate offices, coffee shops... Art installation on "They Also Faced the Sea" at Fisherman's Wharf is must see!
So, next time you're at restaurant, or shopping, or talking with your cleaning lady - watch out! The person most likely is a Provincetown Artist! (or Poet.. or Writer... or Filmmaker...). We're spirited, creative, loving fun people!
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2014 Update: Mary passed away in 2009... she left her very nice art collection to the Provincetown Art Association and Museum.